Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by JulieB (2020)

Post Covid

When I was brainstorming ideas for the project, a major inspiration was my personal experience during quarantine and online school. I also considered, when picking a song, how hard it would be to sing and looked for less repetitive lyrics so it wouldn’t be boring to rewrite. I think I grew in the sense that I gained new skills, specifically editing out vocals in a song in ProTools. My biggest struggle was definitely technical difficulties with ProTools and it was a pretty big hindrance in developing my project. I ended up overcoming those difficulties by asking for help after I could not resolve the issues on my own. If I could change something I would completely eliminate the original vocals and fully replace it with my own, since I think it can sound a bit chaotic with two people singing different lyrics. However, I don’t currently possess the skills to do that. I am most proud of my lyrics because it fits really well with the song, since I used the same syllables in my rewritten lyrics as the original ones. In future projects, I will definitely use the skills I acquired during this project in regards to ProTools. This project changed the way I see other’s art because going through the process to create something myself opened my eyes to the many difficulties that all artists have to face before they reach their final product.